This is a site about me, Ragnhild Lundén, an internationally working Swedish artist.
It is under continuous development as I evolve and have new exhibitions.
Contact details for Ragnhild Lundén (Raglunden)
Phone: +46 708673502
I have painted as long as I remember, out of joy and always.
I have academic grades.
I speak Swedish – my native language, English, German and French.
I spend a lot of time abroad, visiting galleries and museums. I exhibit at ART FAIRS,in MUSEUMS and GALLERIES -separately and in groups.
My works are paintings, more seldom drawings, and aquarelles. I have had periods with installations and sculptures too.
I usually work on canvas(paintings )or paper (the aquarells and drawings). I work without sketching if I don’t make portraits.
I start directly by smearing some diluted colors on the canvas, letting it float as it wants -getting rid of the white surface.
If not stretched, I may put the canvas on the floor and walk on it, splashing out color and making footprints. I kneel, put on gloves, and shove around color until it makes sense for me.
Afterwards, I put it on the wall, and sit down looking at it, letting my fantasy free in what now is some kind of Rorshak Plump. This becomes my sketch. The painting then begins.
Galleri Tegnerlunden in Stockholm,hosted by Marcus Skinner 20 nov. 2024
Butterflies in Space
The gallery was beautiful, well situated in Stockholm, with big windows looking against the Tegner Parc where a lot of people pass. It was an event gallery, and there were more than 100 people there, excellent food, and champagne.
I was very satisfied with the hanging.
Here I will present some pictures I chose among for the exhibition.

The Picture for the Opening Card Acrylic on canvas

Are the Space Animals Fragile?

They Buru Us But They Do Not Know That Humans Are Seeds 2 (100x80cm mixed media on canvas)

They Bury Us But They do not Know That Humans Are Seeds 1.

Early Morning Bird 60×50 cm mixed media on canvas

Arriving. Mixed Media on Canvas 60x50cm

En Härlig Planet, ( a Lovely Planet) 100x80cm acrylic n canvas)

A lovely Planet 2, Life is Burning Inside 100x80cm

A Sunny Picture 100x80cm mixed media on canva

Emerging Life 60x50cm mixed media on canvas

Its Summer in my Heart 185x145cm, mixed media on canvas

Scrap Yard 150x150cm mixed media n ra
A World of Danger 7

Chess Triangle
Gold 150x150cm

Red moom and and 150x150cm mixed media on canvas

When the Weather clears up. 100x100cm
Climat Change

Fever Pich 150x150cm mixed m

En liten blå godbit

water color on paper
water color on paper

water color
water color

water color

water color

water color
water color

water color
