This is a site about me, Ragnhild Lundén, an internationally working Swedish artist.

I am a female Swedish artist, exhibiting internationally, born and working in Gothenburg on the Swedish West Coast.
I am member of See.Me.Community N.Y.C USA
Lysekils Konstförening
Helsingborgs Konstförening
Painting is my life, but I seldom install my exhibitions with only paintings. Today it is expected that the artist shall lay hands upon the entire exhibition space to create interesting experiences for the visitors.
My hart beats for painting. My works are colorful, expressionistic, and abstract.
I have done sculptures too. One of them installed in the McQuire University Sculpture Parc in Sydney, donated by PH.D. Peter Stanbury. He was an important personality in Australias Art History, and became a dear friend of mine.
I have beautiful memories strolling around in the Blue Mountains with him exploring the Aboriginal cliff carvings, splashing water on them to make them distinct.
I have also made installations to protest against the war. The Gulf Crises was on when I started to exhibit. I made the first installation at Gallery Engelbrekt in Örebro Sweden and the next at the Växjö Art Association.
I got lots of visitors and was well-reviewed, but Sweden was not ready for installations in the early nineties.

Gothenburg City, Sweden
The West of Götaland Region, Sweden
Örebro Region, Sweden
Malmö Region, Sweden
Brandy City, Brande, Denmark
Herning City,Denmark
Jordan National Gallery of Fine Art, Amman, Jordan
Leipziger Gewandhaus, Leipzig, Germany.
ABC Gallery, Osaka, Japan.
Urgel City Museum of Tarrega, Spain.
McQuire University Sculpture Parc, Australia
Swedish Embassy, Abu Dhabi,U.A.E.
Swedish Embassy, Tokyo, Japan.
Swedish Consulate, Melbourne, Australia.
Private collection Lilla Götaland, Tokyo Ltd.

2024 the Stenungsund Art Exhibition Hall
2022 Forum Factory 6x4m in the Forum( which harbors a few separate exhibitions at the same time )together with the Swedish sculptor Kent Karlsson, curated by Ragnhild Lunden in organization with Antonia Stjernfeldt, late August.
2021 Skaftö Folkets Hus, Grundsund, Sweden
2019 Preem Art Association Rafael, Lysekil Sweden.
2019 Sjömagasinet, Gothenburg, Sweden.
2018 Roots, Lysekil Art Association, Lysekil Sweden.
2017 Sjömagasinet, Gothenburg, Sweden.
2011 Intuition and Imagination, the Jordan National Gallery of Fine Art, Amman, Jordan.
2005 Nordic Fusion Gallery, 2man exhibition with the Swedish Artist Efva Attling in Sydney.
2005 Courtyard Gallery, Dubai, U.A.E. (retrospective).
2005 Gothenburg Art Association, Gothenburg Sweden.
2005 Catherine Asquith Gallery, Melbourne, Australia.
2004 Catherine Asquith Gallery, Melbourne, Australia.
2003 Maruschka Art Gallery, Melbourne, Australia.
1998 Saltavet, Fiskebäckskil,Sweden.
1996 Gallei H.o Viborg, Denmark.
1998 The Gothenburg Art Museum, Gothenburg Sweden.
1996 Skärhamns Library, Skärhamn Sweden.
1996 Hestra, Sweden.
1996 Råda Säteri, Mölnlycke, Sweden.
1995 Rispapir og Pistoler mod Vold, Brande City Hall, (2 man show) the Japanese sculptor Minori Kanzaki.
1995 Galeriea Finarte, Nagoya Japan
1994 Herning Univerity of Textile Design, Herning, Denmark.
1994 Hernings Television Gallery, Herning, Denmark.
1994 Gothenburg Art Association, Gothenburg Sweden.
1994 Galleri Ho Viborg Denmark.
1994 Sweden- Japan Campaign, The Swedish Embassy, Tokyo, Japan.
1994 Växjö art Association, Växjö Sweden.
1994 Galleri Engelbrekt, Örebro, Sweden.
1994 ABC Gallery, Osaka, Japan.
1994 Gallery D.O., Osaka Japan.
1993 Gothenburg Art Association, Gothenburg, Sweden.
1993 Galleri Böljan Blå, Fiskebäckskil , Sweden.
1993 Brande City Hall, Brande Denmark
1993 Luleå Norrbotten Museum, Luleå, Sweden.
1992 Galleri Fabian Kyrkbacken, Västerås, Sweden.
1991 Galleri Böljan Blå,Fiskebäckskil Sweden.
1991 Galleri Engelbrekt Örebro, Sweden.
1991 Toronto Metro Convention Center, Toronto, Canada.
1990 Theodore Museum of Contemporary Art,Toronto, Canada.
1990 Galleri Engelbrekt, Örebro Sweden.
1990 Gothenburg At Association, Gothenburg Sweden.
1990 Galerie Video Art Genevensis, Geneva, Switzerland.

2024Vuelling flights exhibited Ragnhild Lunden on their flights during the summer.
2022 Nel Mezzo, the Biennale of Vennice,Latteria Moderna.
2020 Armory Show with See. Me. Gallery in NYC, U.S.A.
1919 One Self Project with See.Me.Gallery in corporation with Cha ShaMa, One World Trade Center NYC.U.S.A.
2019 Basel Art Fair, Satellite exhibition with GZ Gallery.
2019 Folkets Hus Grundsund,Sweden.
2019 New York Affordable Art Fair with See.Me. Gallery, NYC, U.S.A.
2018 Barcelona Spring Art Show, with Gallery Art Nou Milleni, Barcelona,Spain.
2016 Urgell Museum, the City Muséum of Tarrega, with GZ Gallery, Tarrega Spain.
2014 Cervantes Institute, with GZ Gallery, NYC, U.S.A.
2012 Dance of Visions II, a Jordan-Sweden exhibition at Röda Sten, Gothenburg, organized and curated by Ragnhild Lunden and Ph.D. Dr. Khalid Khreis.
2007 Dance of Visions I, a Jordan-Sweden exhibition at The Jordan National Gallery of Fine Art, Amman Jordan, organized and curated by Ph.Dr.Khalid Khreis, the General Director of the museum- in cooperation with Ragnhild Lundén, initiative taker.
2005 Sweden Design, Australia (representing Sweden)
2005 Melbourne Affordable Art Fair, with Catherine Asquith Gallery, Melbourne, Australia.
2002 Galerie der Künstler, Members exhibition, Munich, Germany.
2001 Galerie der Künstler, Members exhibition ,Munich, Germany.
2001 Noten Bilden und Briefe, Galerie Autoren, Munich , Germany. Juried by Claes Uechtman.
2000 Noten Bilden und Briefe, Galerie Autoren, Munich , Germany. Juried by Claes Uechtman.
2000 Rosa Rot und Apfel Grün, Galerie der Künstler, Munich, Germany, members exhibition.
1998 Les Trentes, Serain, Belgium. Invited.
1996 Libramont Art Fair, invited exhibitor by Antoinne Fernande, Libramont, Belgium.
1995 Libramont Art Fair, invited exhibitor by Antoinne Fernande, Libramont, Belgium.
1994 Nordic Film Festival, Tokyo, Japan.Invited
1994 Bröndbyarne City Hall ,Bröndbyarne, Copenhagen, Denmark with the Remisen
1993 East of England Fair, organised by the Remisen, Denmark.
1993 Luleå Norrbotten Museum Luleå Norrbotten
1993 Brande City Hall, Brande, Denmark a Remisen Show.
1993 Galleri Engelbrekt, Örebro Sweden
1992 East of England Fair, organised by the Remisen, Denmark.
1992 Brande City Hall, organised by the Remisen,Brande Denmark.
1991 Brande City Hall,organised by the Remisen,Brande Denmark.
1991 Galerie Arcade, Waterloo, Brussels, Belgium.
1990 Theodore Museum of Contemporary Art, invited by the General Director Theo Kwack.
1990 The Osaka Triennale of Painting, Osaka, Japan, representing Sweden.
1989 The Lysekil Art Association, organized by KRO The artist organisation, when I became a member it was juried. Lysekil, Sweden.

Sigyn Melander, Ragnhild Lundéns Acrylic Paintings, Göteborgsposten, 1April 1990.
Osaka Newspaper, Cover, 12May 1990.
Sweden Campaign 1996-1997 , Viking, 28 May 1990.
Brenda Lee, Landscapes of the Imagination, Icon Magazine p.10,1991.
Anders Erkman, Gruesome Meal, Örebrokuriren 9 Mars 1991.
Maija Nittymäki, Everyone Feels the Power of the Triangle, Nerikes Allehanda 18Mars 1991.
Sigrid Hansson, Behind the Numbers is the Person, Bohusläningen 7 Aug. 1991.
Christine Loodts, A la Galerie Arcade, La Nouvelle Gazette 26 Oct. 1991. ( a 4 man show organized by Theo Kwack.)
Theodore Museum of Contemporary Art, Slate p. 18 Nov. 1991.
Jan Bergman, On the Move, Galleries, Arbetet 16 Jan 1993.
Stig Carlsson, In the Jury at the Norrbotten Museum Spring Show, NSD Kultur, 17 June 1993.
Per Gunnar Råberg, Fascinating Painting by a Great Artist, Norrbottenskuriren, 17 Mars 1993.
Lennart Didoff, Searching and Obsession, Göteborgsposten, 21 Jan 1993.
Per Gunnar Råberg, Wonderful Scent and Mental Discharge, Norrbottenskururen, 9 Mars 1993.
Kjell Öberg, The Spring Show only displays the Best, NSD Kultur, 17 June 1993.
Erling Junker Holst, Brande Gives Culture Air to Spread its Wings, Vejle Amts Volkeblad, 5 July 1993.
Peder Skov Christensen, Brassieres and Guns Removed from Winner Painting, 1 Feb 1994.
Margareta Andersson, Taste My Lips, New Cookery Book, Lysekilsposten, cover 1994.
Meeting Ragnhild Lundén Again at Galleri Ho.Viborg stifts Tidning 1994.
Sune Bille Fedders, Rice paper and Guns Against Violence, From Earth Slip Area to Brande, 6 February 1995.
Katzuhiro Machida, Ashai Shimbun, 28Jan 1995.

Margareta Andersson, From Klädesholmen to Tokyo, Lysekilsposten, Cover, 1996.
Margareta Andersson, From Klädesholmen to Tokyo, Bohusläningen, 1996.
Gunvor Karlsson, Art for the Eye as Well as For the Mouth, Värnamo Nyheter, del 2 (cover),16 Nov. 1996.
Ann Katrin Ljung, Now Japan Can Taste Swedish, Göteborgstidningen, 20 Nov. 1996.
Stig Åke Stålnacke, Galleri Gamla Väster, Sydsvenskan, 1995Stig ÅkeStålnacke, Galleri Gamla Väster, Sydsvenskan, 1995.Gunvor Karlsson,Taste My Lips,Värnamo Nyheter.
Asahi Shimbun 1994.

Rajeev Nair, Lundén, showing in Canada, Australia, Germany, Dubai at the Couryard Gallery, Rajeev Nairs Blogspot 2005,<wiki<Ragnhild(2005).
Ann Charlotte Ripa, Ragnhild Lunden is Showing Her Paintings in the Fusion of Art, Food and Designs Event at Nordic Fusion in Sydney, Embassy of Sweden News, 6April 2005.
Contemporary Calligraphy, Arabian Woman Magazine, 2005.on papaer as well as online.
Jan Bergman, Brutal with the Colors, Ragnhild Lundén Paints Symbols, Zenit,Kulturtidningen i Väst, spring 2006.(an on paper as well as online magazine).
Going Inland, Museo Commarcal de l Úrgell in der Stad van Tarrega Ragnhild Lundén, visitVisually ( 2017).
Maria Lundberg, with Signs and Triangle as Symbols, Bohusläningen 26 Okt 2018.
Erika Trejis, Swedish Art on on Show in Jordan, Svenska Dagbladet.
Stig Åke Stålnacke, Ragnhild Lundéns paintings and Stig Åke Stålnackes Reflexions ISBN
Dance of Visions, Pontus Hammarén, Khalid Khreis and Ragnhild Lundén, ISBN 978-91-97668-0-1.
Gabriel Berndsson, Ragnhild Lunden Never Regretted Becoming an Artist, Lysekilsposten 12Oct. 2018.
Intuition and Imagination,Pontus Hammarén and Jonas Kamf.
Dance of Visions I, a Jordan-Sweden project for cooperation with exhibitions and art internationally. Jordan National Gallery of Fine Art, Amman Jordan.2007
Dance of VisionsII, a Jordan- Sweden exhibition at the Röda Sten Gothenburg Sweden.

Global Art Virtuoso ,Certificate from Contemporary Art Collectors.
Grant from NUNSKY (now renamed to ISAPIS an organisation for sopporting Sweish art abroad) for the participation in the Osaka Triennale 1990
Grant from The Swedish Counsel of Culture for Initiating and curating (in cooperation with the General Director of the Jordan National Museum of Fine Art, Ph.D. Dr Khalid Khreis, the Dance of visionII at Röda Sten, Gothenburg, a project in cooperation with The Gothenburg Art Association, where Rag was a member of the board.
Brande City Honorary distinction for cultural contribution to the region 1994
Forst Prize award at the Remisen workshop.( participated outside the competition the second time.
Sent 2021 Certificate of Artistic Excellence Cicle Foundation for the arts competition to exhibit at Spectrum Brooklyn with World Wide Art

Remisen International workshop, 1993 and 1994
Grez -sur- Loing supported by the Swedish Institute 1993